Demi Lovato looks back on sexy Confident era: ‘I was conforming to everybody else’s ideals’

Demi Lovato has spoken candidly about her recent music career – specifically the Confident era – ahead of the release of her new documentary series, Dancing With The Devil.

After the radio-friendly success of 2013’s Demi, 2015’s Confident saw her vamping up her image and turning the musical energy up to 11.

While lead single Cool For The Summer is widely considered one of her best songs and the title track slapped, the album as a whole was met with a bit of a shrug.

Now, speaking to Glamour, she’s recalled: “I was trying on different identities that felt authentic to me but weren’t me.

“The super-feminine pop star was an identity that sounded like it fit and looked like it fit, so I put it on like it fit.”

She added: “I was excited that I was in a comfortable place in my body to show more skin, but what I was doing to myself was so unhealthy.

“It was from a place of, ‘I’ve worked really fucking hard on starving and following this diet, and I’m going to show off my body in this photo shoot because I deserve it.’

“I wasn’t confident at all. I had a false confidence because I was conforming to everybody else’s ideals.”

Dancing With The Devil is scheduled to drop later this month; arriving on YouTube from March 23.

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