Belarus formally threatened with Eurovision disqualification after massive song backlash

The EBU (European Broadcasting European) has released a statement declaring that the Belarusian entry for Eurovision 2021 will be disqualified unless it is modified.

In case you’re not up to speed, there’s been huge pushback over the track Ya Nauchu Tebya (I’ll Teach You) by Galasy ZMesta; with lyrics that are said to celebrate political oppression and slavery.

A petition calling for its removal accrued thousands of signatures, and prominent Eurovision fansites such as ESCXTRA and Wiwibloggs vowed to either modify or stop their coverage of the country’s Eurovision journey.

Now, a statement from the EBU conceded that the song “puts the non-political nature of the Contest in question.”

Admitting that the backlash is part of what has spurred them to act, they continued: “In addition, recent reactions to the proposed entry risk bringing the reputation of the ESC into disrepute.”

Bosses have touched base with the Belarusian broadcaster, BTRC, saying “the song, in its present form, is currently not eligible to compete.”

“Furthermore we’ve requested that they take all necessary steps to submit a modified version, or a new song, that is compliant with ESC rules.

“Failure to do so could result in disqualification from this year’s Contest.”

Swedish broadcasters have also taken Belarus off its list of international jurors for the Melfest final this weekend. The UK will take its place.

Speaking of the UK, our own new song from James Newman came out this morning.

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